- 面向设计、施工、采购和运营的高效优化服务
- 通过BIM数据、现场设计数据、施工现场实效数据的验证对比
Samsung SDS Nexplant,推动基于平台的制造智能化
- 基于 P&ID 的智能 ELM 服务
- 私有 BIM 云服务
- 远程协作
- 设备效率分析
- 基于 BIM 的材料跟踪
- 利用无人机监控和管理进度
- 支持AR的智能运维服务
- 为基础设施运作提供质量保证
- 监控 SOC 设施的维护情况
- 集成监控系统
- 调度系统
- 远程控制工厂 PC
- 数据管理系统
- 外部合作伙伴关系结构
- 自动化设计/验证
- 大数据质量/产量分析
- 基于 DL 的视觉检测系统
- 工程师协作系统
- 自动工具数据收集和远程控制
- 设备工程系统
- 设施资产的 IMS
- 优质布局/流程设计
- 优质入/出库控制、生产设施 I/F
- 优质路径搜索、流量控制
- 物流传输路线
- 综合监控、指标管理
- 传输错误分析、故障管理/处理
- 预测性工具维护
- 远程监控暖通空调设备和电力设备
- 实时监控水泵、制冷机、清洗设备
- 检测并快速应对气体泄漏
- 综合防灾,以便进行实时安全管理
- 工作人员位置跟踪器
- 智能闭路电视录像分析
- 依托智能自动化技术,提供高品质的运营服务
- 支持OCR、RPA、M/L等新技术的智能 ERP
- 使用 AI/机器学习提供自动化需求预测和解读
- 通过场景的规划和增量式规划,提高供应链绩效
- 提供实时查看整个制造、分销和销售网络的移动端服务
- 数据集成、敏捷的解决方案应用和定制化开发
- 丰富的解决方案实施能力
- 通过解决方案,实现流程自动化
- EHS 管理体系建设开发
- 移动和基于 AR 的安全检查系统搭建
- 气体排放监测系统的搭建
- 环境和安全风险评估与可视化服务
※ 点击配置产品。
数字营销服务汇集了分散在不同渠道和系统中的各种数据集,以便能够在360年对客户视图进行分析,并根据从意识和购买到促销的整个生命周期中所提供的购买行为数据来管理客户的旅程。 服务。
SDS 企业平台将针对于企业工作环境,优化混合云平台,对制造场所进行快速的数字化转型,帮助企业客户提供创新价值。
该平台不仅可以提供综合性的预测分析,还可以提供智能的规则分析:该综合性 AI 平台可以直观地分析各种数据(如实时数据、非结构化数据),并能以可视化的方式展现分析结果。
Brightics IoT是优化的数据收集、操作和管理系统,并将物联网设备与大数据解决方案和旧系统相连接
With the establishment of the facility management system, the company is now able to reduce inventory and purchase cost by optimizing the life cycle of facility and component replacement, improving facility performance, securing visibility of facility components and improving efficiency in component supply.
The company has applied process realignment and a new system throughout the entire manufacturing for 30 factory lines nationwide.
As a result, the company has become able to improve work efficiency, prevent user error and find out/track manufacturing process information.
The company has established a quality analysis platform for the entire company through Brightics AI by securing data regarding quality of process of components, manufacturing, sipping and arrival to the market in order to establish a smart quality management system.
Partners have secured the ground for energy reduction through energy visualization at workplaces, which enables them to have responsible operation of the facilities and systems.
The global standard EHS platform has been established based on new technologies as well as standardization of EHS system work process, which enables the company to respond to Korean and overseas laws and regulations and prevent environment & safety accidents.
We built the global sales and production plan management system over different product groups, including mobile and home appliances of manufacture and sales subsidiaries all over six continents. Since all employees all around the globe share the same information anywhere, any time, it is possible to have quick and transparent decision-making. Also, SCM operation efficiency has escalated by increasing the forecast accuracy using the new technology, including distribution data analysis and AI-based sales forecast, and preventing out-of-stock.
Pharmaceuticals needs to establish a manufacturing plan reflecting regulations for each country and customer. Also, it needs demand management considering the transparency of the distribution route and diversity of the distribution channel. Through SCM solution from Samsung SDS, establish the “Demand-Supply Consensus-based Plan System” which reflects the characteristics of pharmaceuticals and leads to the decrease of inventory cost and increase of operational efficiency.
There is an increasing demand for integrated and flexible management of the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for global expansion. To accommodate these customer needs, Samsung SDS transitioned the MES to the public cloud for the reliability, processing speed and performance at a similar level as on-premise environments.
By applying Brity RPA solution to all processes, including manufacturing, development, sales, and quality assurance, the efficiency of repetitive tasks and routine monitoring and reporting processes can be greatly enhanced.
The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) needed to expand in global production more flexibly and actively. Samsung SDS applied cloud-based architecture and platform(PaaS)-based standard development/operation environments to reduce IT cost and reinforce manufacturing stability.