Domestic Electronics Component Manufacturer

Establishment of Enterprise Asset Management

""The company’s competitiveness in facility management has been strengthened by establishing the next-generation facility management system with the integrated management for all scattered workplaces worldwide through various measures including: systematic management based on standard processes and quality improvement and cost reduction in facility preservation by sharing each workplace’s facility operation know-how.” "

Domestic Electronics Component Manufacturer


Company A, a domestic electronics component manufacturer, had difficulties in facility set up and operation due to more of physically scattered workplaces. In addition, there are growing needs of the introduction of new technologies including the mobile utilization level for the predictive maintenance system and site with facility preservation.

Also, the existing system had some issues of function allocation, user convenience and performance issues, which drastically deteriorates development productivity and operation efficiency. There are also other needs of system connectivity by analyzing environment safety and accidents.


Based on Nexplant EAM, Company A, a domestic electronics component manufacturer, the company has reflected major voices of customers into a new global facility management system.

ㆍStandard information system: Manage the necessary information by standardizing including composition, location, disorder codes, items for inspection, work standards and standards for preventive maintenance
ㆍ Equipment: provide auto-issuance of order placement according to Time Based Maintenance (TBM) & Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
ㆍ Component SCM: Provide functions to manage purchase, order placement, warehousing and safe volume of inventory in terms of backup, manage auto-placement of orders, repair devices on site, repair device by outsourcing partners and function as a repair center.

Facility Mgt. Life Cycle → Plan → Purchase → Warehousing → Installment → Operation → Maintenance → Disposition

Global Asset Management System ↔ User
Master data
Error Class

Master data → Maintenance

Planning → Scheduling, Work Order
KPI → Planning
Scheduling → Work Order → Execution → DONE(Analysis/KPI) → KPI, Inspection
Work Order → Repair/Stock mgt.
Repair/Stock mgt. → Parts Mgt.
Repair/Stock mgt. → Delivery → Execution
Inspection → Request for repair → Repair Partner → DONE(Repair)
Inspection → DONE(Repair)
Parts Mgt. → Delivery → Execution
Parts Mgt. → Request → Order → Parts Supplier → Warehousing

Global Asset Management System ↔ MES

Global Asset Management System ↔ ERP


Company A, a domestic electronics component manufacturer, has experienced the following benefits by establishing the next generation’s facility management system.

ㆍ Improve facility performance by optimizing the life cycle management for facilities and components
ㆍ Secure reliability through preventive maintenance and improve productivity by reducing malfunctioning and disorder
ㆍ Reduce inventory and purchase cost by securing visibility of facility components and efficiency in component supply

Optimize Asset Managment
Increase facility performance by optimizing inspection cycle and parts replacement cycle
Improve facility life expectancy by tracking records and costs
Ensure Reliability of Facilities
Reduce failures through preventive maintenance
Improve productivity by reducing facility failures
Improve efficiency in parts supply chain
Forecast demand on facility parts precisely by securing visibility in the whole processes
Improve efficiency in parts sypply by minimizing the cost and by delivering at the right time


  • Nexplant EAM
