A hybrid cloud environment with a private cloud for HQ systems and a public cloud for overseas on-site systems enhances cost efficiency of implementation and operation as well as enabling failure responses within minutes and integrated operation of overseas systems.
The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) needed to expand in global production more flexibly and actively. Samsung SDS applied cloud-based architecture and platform(PaaS)-based standard development/operation environments to reduce IT cost and reinforce manufacturing stability.
In order to actively respond to the e-commerce market trends, including shorter product launch cycles and global simultaneous launch, efficient development collaboration and automated deployment were needed. Samsung SDS applied integrated SRE model to increase system flexibility while enabling fast application development and operation. *SRE: Site Reliability Engineering
Samsung SDS proudly transferred and implemented the data center of this financial service provider, offering efficient control over the vast amount of data, full-fledged business centralization and real-time communication as well as integrated infrastructure operation/management.
三星 SDS 以来自 17 个全球数据中心的运营专门知识和制造、金融、健康医疗等领域的各种行业专业知识为依托,利用经过优化的端到端云服务(从私有云和多种公有云到本地云)为客户提供各种类型的数字化转型支持。
从基础设施到应用程序,提供超过 250 个项目的综合监控。三星 SDS 还可大幅降低混合云的总体拥有成本,同时确保 99.999% 的高可用性和完整的双工运行。
三星 SDS 拥有丰富的云专业知识和技术:在韩国率先荣获 Kubernetes 相关证书,并在数据中心外包和混合基础设施托管服务的 Gartner 魔力象限中占据一席之地。
*由云原生计算基金会 (CNCF) 颁发的 Kubernetes 认证服务提供商 (KCSP) 证书
以合理的价格,尽享针对企业工作负载优化的安全云服务。三星 SDS 可根据各种业务目的提供可靠的云服务。