CX Services build on Design Thinking and Agile to interact with stakeholders every moment based in customer-centered thinking, and revises and improves by validating each stage of Discover, Define, Create, Delivery.
discover define create delivery : 4 step
- desing thining worksohp : ice breaking, goal setting research setting field research, desk research, insight, theme, opportunity area, hmw, brainstorming, customer jorney map, value proposition
-agile inception : elevator pitch, user map, role&goals, persona, scenarion, happy path, feature identification, feature pyramid, stakeholder map
-lean architcture inception : nfr, analysis, role&goals, value, build, hl architecture
-delivery : raid, feature list, release planning, design, product analysis, test automation, xp, end game test, functional test, packaging, deploy
-scaling : design system lannguage, design guide, user journey, portfolio, project managing, scrum of scrums milestone, disciplines meeting, test strategy, contract test, architecture standard, evolutionary architecture